

If anyone could answer this question for me that would be most awesome:

When Christians are convicted it is the Holy Spirit inside of us that is convitcting our hearts right? Then what is it that convicts the hearts of non-believers?


Kerry said...

Hey Bro,

The answer to this question would be that what convicts the hearts of non-believers is The Holy Spirit through us. The Holy Spirit works in wonderous ways. I love our Daddy. Talk to you soon and take care.

In Him,
Your Brother

Anonymous said...

Well, Hellllooooooooo stranger!!! :-D I miss goofing around with you too, you gonna be present at camp this summer? The correct answer to this question would be yes. And now that i'm aware of your blog, i'm putting it on my list of blogs to to lurk about, all creepy like. :)
take care mr. mill,

Anonymous said...

Good to see you blogging. Thanks for the link. It'll be nice to have a bit of B-Mill in my life again.


Katie Mitchell said...

hey bro...it is good to hear from you. i miss you friend. i hope that you are enjoying this semester and that God is revealing His incredible sovereignty to you in amazing ways. rock on for Him!

jen said...

The world of blogging never ceases to amaze me. Pretty soon, we'll be able to play the 6 degrees of blog separation game where everyone in the America will be connected to one another by blogs. Welcome, friend!

Oh, and it may have something to do with this: "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." Rom. 1:20

Anonymous said...

So the question, what convicts non-belivers if the H.S. convicts believers eh? A diclaimer that this is just my own thinking, so take what you will, and disrgaurd it if it doesn't help. Ok, so from my own experience as a non beliver for 16 years of my life, then now as a believer, I would say that all humans have the God given gift of knowledge of good and evil, since Adam and Eve ate of the fruit, it is innate in our nature. That is what convicts non-belivers, also humanitarian ideals of being decent toward other humans, however, once we accept Christ, we are given the Holy Spirit, which convicts us through new knowlegdge gained in the Bible, that was previously not there (due to lack of belief.) It is more of a clarification of that innate human knowledge of Good and Evil. A better understanding if you will. I hope that helps, again if not, I am no theologian, just thought I would give my two cents, so throw it out if it doesn't help.
On anouther note, glad to hear about the V-day celebration, you are a good man Brian, and we should talk again soon my brother. Loves and laters.